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Bark eating caterpillar (Inderbela tetraoris) found on Aonla


Aonla or Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis) is very well known as an Amritphal. It is an indigenous fruit to Indian subcontinent having a very rich source of vitamin 'C'. The medicinal use of this fruit can be found in diarrhoea, dysentery, anaemia, jaundice, dyspepsia and cough. 

Various pests found on Aonla are
  • Bark Borer
  • Bark eating caterpillar
  • Apical twig gall maker
  • Aphids
  • Mealy Bug

In this post we are focusing on the bark borer pests. General details of nomenclature of this pest is as follows:

> Common Name – Bark Borer

> Scientific Name – Inderbela tretraoris

> Family – Inderbellidae

> Order - Lepidoptera

Marks of identification:

  • Spherical Eggs
  • Brown to black, shiny, sparsely hairy larva
  • Moth is creamy white with brown markings on the forewing.
  • Make tunnels in the main trunk and branches
  • Larvae construct loose irregular webbing of silken threads
  1. Eggs : Female lays 350 eggs on bark in May-June and hatch in about 8-11 days
  2. Larva : Larval period is 8-10 months till about third week of April.
  3. Pupa : Pupation takes place inside larval tunnel, pupal period is about 21-41 days.
  4. Adult : Moth longevity is 3 days. Only one generation is completed in a year.

Nature of damage:

The attack of this pest may be identified by the presence of irregular tunnels and patches covered with silken-web consisting of excreta and chewed up wood particles, on the shots, branches, and trunk. Shelter holes may be seen particularly at the joints of shoots and branches. The young shoots dry and die, giving sickly look to the tree.

Management practices:

  • Keep the orchards clean and healthy to prevent the infestation of this pest.
  • Detect early infestation by periodically looking out for drying young shoots.
  • Kill the caterpillars mechanically by inserting the iron spike in shelter holes made by these borers at early stage of infestation.
  • Use of entomogenous fungus Beauveria bassiana.


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